Sunday, March 28, 2010

Opposites Attract

In the case of my best friend and I, we are definitely night and day. Amy's a blond-hair, blue-eyed, Republican southern sweetheart from the heart of Texas and extremely conservative; I'm an Asian brunette with brown eyes, socially Democratic/fiscally Republican, living in New York city and as liberal-minded as they come. But together, we make beautiful music...

Medieval Times

Actually, we're more like a train wreck you can't help but notice.

Cop: "I can't be in the picture cause they told me that if I let anymore girls pose on the cop car, I'm gonna get desk duty."

Soon To Be Mrs. T's Website


  1. Yay! I'm so happy you started a blogspot! Can't wait to read all about your adventures, Christi!

  2. LOL!!!! train wreck!! hilarious!!!

  3. Amy: lol!
    Lori: yay, thanks for inspiring me to start up again!
