It has been an entire year since I last blogged. I feel rusty as a writer and to be honest, writing does not come as "easy" and natural to me as it once used to.
I have what I refer to as a "1-year writer's block".
Anyhow, life in NY is great.
Minus this god-awful weather.
Minus the Bronx Egyptian Cobra's escape.
Minus lugging around bags like some mule (you got your gym bag, your school bag, your work bag, your grocery bag, your lunch bag, etc).
Minus the fact that I get into fights with old people at the gym (Old Person: "You need to swim on YOUR side of the lane." Me: "But there's plenty of space between our lanes." OP: "Well I can't see you and you're swimming too close". Me: "Try getting a pair of goggles! Objects in water appear closer than you think." OP goes to lifeguard to complain. I swear Old People can be so entitled.)
Love life? Ha. It's either feast or freak show.
I officially ended things with D, a wall street financial something-or-other, caring, good listener, not an A-hole like most other wall street types but so involved in his career that he lived his life in "compartments" (Schedule: M-F: 5am-10pm: Work, work, eat, work, sleep; Sat-Sun: Love life. Repeat weekly pattern.) On top of that, emotionally detached which, for me, being in the counseling profession, made him more of a "client" than a "boyfriend".
Then there was J, the 22-year old. I don't even know how this started lol. It went something like this: J: "Yea, I'm 22 years old. How old are you?" Me: "Um, guess..." J: "26!" Me: "Yep! Wow, you're a really good age-guesser!"
I don't normally care to deny or lie about these things but on this particular day, I guess I felt like wanting to be 26 all over again. I believe 26 to be a good year.
Work: Sucks.
*Disclaimer: Ok, in this economy, I am grateful and thankful to still have a job. A job that allows me to do my homework and blog when I'm bored. Nevertheless, I count my blessings where I get them.
School: Can't.Wait.For.It.To.Be.Over. Graduation Date: T-minus 6 weeks. Commencement Speaker: President Bill Clinton which equals #WINNING#
Social Life: Awesome! I've been on a spree with Broadway Musicals lately. Started with Lion King, then American Idiot (featuring Davey Havok!), then Jersey Boys ("Joisy" Boys), (umm I don't think the Pee Wee Herman show counts as a musical right?), and next lineup: Spiderman, Mamma Mia, Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, Sister Act.
Food: Organic, fresh, pescatore-related type foods. Due to medical reasons, obviously, and not of my own free will.
Scruffles: Impregnated by rat. Or maybe, pigeon. Perhaps, bedbug or roach as those are the only creatures one sees roaming around NYC.
Travel: Dominican Republic all-inclusive in 16 days! Sun, beach, food, alcohol! I'm attracted to a very hedonistic lifestyle I must say. And guilt-free, a quality I've come to inherit and appreciate since being a newbie New Yorker.
Living in NYC for two years has allowed me to embrace, enhance and profess my weirdness to the world. I feel like I've been liberated. And, know what's great? No one in NY cares cause we're all weird! It's almost like a cult. Being weird is almost a requisite. (Cool-weird, not weird-weird). There is a difference.